About Us

I’m Scott

Just in case you are reading this and you don’t know who I am, here is a little bit about me.  I am (counting on fingers…) 53 years old.  I have been sailing on and off for about 30 years now, having got my start on my good buddy Dean’s little 14ft catamaran up at Emma Lake at their family cabin.  After that, I crewed on another friends Hughes 32 on Diefenbaker Lake for a couple of summers.  Sailing also helped me get together with my wife, as on our first date she mentioned that she has always wanted to live on a sailboat, and I was able to say, hey – I know how to sail!

After we got married we decided to get a bit more serious about it, and we took a Basic Cruising course through CYA (Canadian Yachting Association).  This was a 4 day liveaboard course on Vancouver Island, and after getting a passing grade we were off and chartering sailboats, with just the two of us island hopping on the West coast of Canada, the BVI, St Martin, Antigua, and Greece.  We have both come to really enjoy the cruising lifestyle, and always talked about eventually moving onto a boat when we retire (or sooner).  Of course, tomorrow never comes, and it was always aspirational, and some unspecified time in the future.

But last year I started noticing that people my age around me were getting cancer, and getting sick or dying.  This provided a pretty good kick in the ass, and over a few months Maggie an I eventually agreed that if we are going to do this, now is the time.  We have our health, and with some creative structuring of our businesses we should be able to pull this off.  And so the boat shopping changed from occasionally looking at yachtworld.com and saying “this one looks kind of nice”, to contacting a broker and saying “we need to get on some boats”.  We found Mark Thompson, a nice broker in Florida who went out of his way to help us, and arranged for us to see as many boats as we could cram in on a 4 day visit to Ft Lauderdale.  We saw about 12 boats in some detail, and came to better understand what we wanted.  We eventually settled on one of three boats (none of which were actually available in Florida when we were looking) – A Leopard 43, Fountaine Pajot 42, or a Lagoon 410.  So now that we knew what we wanted, our search got more focused.  Also, we were looking for an owners version (see the section ‘our boat’ for info on this).  We found an owners version Lagoon 410 in France, and made arrangements to see it in person in July.  I flew over to inspect it, and liked what I saw – and so we purchased Adiona.

I’m Maggie

So I’m the admiral of our fleet. Scott gets to be the captain… so I’m the admiral, also known as the planner, provisioner, and chief bottle washer.

I was born in Northern Saskatchewan (Uranium City) where we spent our entire summers on the water.  I’ve always had a love for travel and adventure. My first sail on a boat was a short afternoon sail in Jamaica when I was 22… I loved the way the boat moved through the water.  When I was 29 I spent 3 days on a sailboat in the Whitsunday islands…I was hooked!!  Sailing, sun, snorkeling and sunsets.  I decided back then it would be pretty cool to live on a sailboat.  So thus the dream began.. only problem was that I did not know how to sail or maintain a boat.  On our first date I mentioned to Scott that I’d love to live on a boat for at least a year.. he happened to know how to sail.  Perfect…  so I married him.  Over the years we took a sailing course in Vancouver Island.. chartered boats in the Caribbean, Greece, Vancouver  Islands and purchased our own 26’ Hunter sailboat a couple years ago that we sail in summers on Saskatchewan lakes.  Once our son graduated high school it was time to start planning our lifetime goal.  It was a huge decision but now that it is done and we are sailing, it feels great.