And this is how it begins again….

So you haven’t heard from us in a while…. where the heck are we & what’s going on ??

As most of you know from our Sailing Adiona FB page, we arrived back in Canada on June 5th after jumping thru the covid hoops… Adiona is waiting for us in Bocas del Toro Panama.

Summer in Saskatoon has been great! Super hot till mid-August when the rain came… hopefully we will get some nice weather. We’ve had a chance to take Dragonfly (our baby boat) out a few times… Candle Lake, Diefenbaker and Emma. We are hoping to get up to Delaronde yet this summer. We participated in the 9th Annual Elbow Run on Diefenbaker and met some great Sask sailors! Other than that it has been work, work, work… 🙁 For those of you who don’t know, Scott is now a partner in Flash Electrical Contracting. Thanks to the Sask government, the solar industry in Sask has basically collapsed (not much of an incentive for homeowners) and so he joined up with the electrical company that he was doing the solar installations with. So he has been super busy with the administrative and project sourcing end of the electrical business. Myself, I am trying to rebuild Nail Essentialz (my nail product distribution business). Covid dealt a major blow to the nail industry, forcing nail techs to shut down for anywhere from a few months to over a year (Ontario). Since they are my customers, needless to say, sales have suffered…. but hopefully they will rebound soon enough!

So what’s the plan??
Well, we are heading back to Panama sometime in mid-October… we’ve started the pile of things to take to the boat. Currently the boat is at a marina in Bocas del Toro, Panama which is on the Carribean coast right near the Costa Rica border. We have a ton of boat projects we need to do when we arrive… install new trampoline, fix one of our engines, generator issues, and a complete rebuild of our electrical system to install new lithium batteries and better solar. As well as the many minor things that will need to be done after the boat has sat for 5 months… hopefully it will not be as bad as leaving it in Grenada for 10 months last year!! So if you are interested in boat work… you are more than welcome to join us for the first month! We’ll feed ya & get you drunk in the evenings!!

The plan for the “season” is to stay on the Carribean coast of Central America. Depending on what happens with covid and what countries are open, we hope to explore Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize & Columbia. There is no plan to go thru the Panama Canal this winter/spring. You are most welcome to join us… you know the “rules”… you can pick where or you can pick when.. but not both!!

So that’s the plan… lets see what really happens!!

Scott & Maggie