Almost there and a blue rainbow

Yahoo!! We are less than 185 miles of the north coast of St Lucia.. winds are about 20-25knots which puts us about 24-28 hours from our destination. Overall the crossing has been quite uneventful.. The Atlantic has been much kinder than the Mediterranean was!! Yesterday was an amazing day… we had a few short squalls for most of the day, so winds were up & down. But at least the sails & boat got a nice fresh water rinse! Early in the morning Scott pulled in a nice 12-pound barracuda which made for amazing Cajun fish burgers for lunch. We confirmed that barracuda caught in deep water is safe to eat. The unsafe barracuda comes from shallower waters where the fish feeds on smaller fish that have eaten a certain algae. Just before we were going to pull the line in for the day, Scott pulled in another 10-pound Mahi Mahi. Mahi for dinner tonight and extra in the freezer. Would still like to catch a tuna, but no luck so far. We’ve lost a total of 3 lures so far.. probably to sharks who have bitten them off… damn !! Yesterday was a busy galley day for me.. made a couple of batches of muffins and cake in the morning… fish burgers and coleslaw for lunch.. then a roast chicken, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy dinner. Sailing is hard work.. we eat well! Usually I cook a couple of days, then Jason takes a day or two.. The evening was capped off with a beautiful sunset and about an hour & half after sunset we saw a blue moonlight rainbow!! Really cool… it was set off against some clouds on the horizon. You could still see the colors of the rainbow but with an overall blue tinge… amazing!!


  1. I am amazed at how fast you are reaching your destination! And you are an amazing cook! I don’t make as good a meal as you do, and I have no excuse! It has been such fun following your trip!

  2. Nice to get some mail this morning! Sounds like « la bouffe » is pretty good,and very healthy! You should be in St-Lucia by tomorrow morning, my guess! You will need a few hours to get your footage in tune with cobble stones after being on a sailboat for almost a month. My guess is that you will very quickly recoup in your quest to get some 🍷, and 🍺, 😋. ST-Lucia is beautiful, enjoy and savour every moments!
    Enjoy your « pied à terre »
    Denise xo

  3. Nice to get some mail this morning! Sounds like « la bouffe » is pretty good,and very healthy! You should be in St-Lucia by tomorrow morning, my guess! You will need a few hours to get your footage in tune with cobble stones after being on a sailboat for almost a month. My guess is that you will very quickly recoup in your quest to get some 🍷, and 🍺, 😋. ST-Lucia is beautiful, enjoy and savour every moments!
    Enjoy your « pied à terre »
    Denise xo

  4. Hey you two – Mum is such a luddite that she couldn’t figure out where the space bar was. This is what she was trying to say
    Hooray you must be feeling at the top of the world!! Sam let me you know that you have landed and are getting hammered. Enjoy

  5. Is now the 11th – Happy Birthday Scott. Can’t believe it has been some 53 odd years since our life was changed so dramatically.

    Love Dad

  6. So you have made it to land!! Congratulations to you all! What an accomplishment! And it is your birthday! What better gift could you have? It is my daughter’s birthday also, she is on a much tamer holiday in Mexico. Go and celebrate all you have achieved and enjoy the beauty of St.Lucia. I would love to meet you when you get home.
    Maybe your Mom will have a party.
    Donna Lamers

  7. H HAPPY b.irthday to intrepid ADVENTURER. You have been keeping me on my toes for 54 years.., . ..

    Congratulations to you both for sticking with it to achieve your dream


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