Exploring the Rock

It was time to explore the Rock… in order to get into Gibraltar you have to literally walk across the airport runway! Make sure you check both ways!! Kinda cool!

Took the cable car up to meet the famous monkeys… we had been warned to watch the little thieves carefully! Sure enough one of the first ones jumped up onto Scott’s shoulders and promptly started unzipping the camera bag! Fricking nimble little fingers.. after getting shooed off Scott’s back, he decided to give Scott a little bite! Luckily no skin was punctured, but it did hurt for a bit.

Wandered around enjoying the beautiful sunny day and explored the amazing St Michael’s caves! The way they lighted up the caves really showed how incredible they are.. they now have small concerts inside. That would be amazing to hear. A quick stop at the boat chandler (no land stop is complete without a stop at the local boat store to see what we can find – this one had charts, new traveler lines and some hardware for the running back stays. All you non-sailers know what that stuff is huh? Quick provisioning at the grocery store (3 kinds of ice cream because the walk back was only about 6 blocks and it wouldn’t melt) and then it was time to get dinner ready for us & our friends from Wild Thing.


We spent a really nice evening having dinner, drinks, ice cream & boat talk. Kind of cool how you make friends at one anchorage in another country and catch up with them again along the way. These cruisers are kind of special to us as they also purchased their boat about the same time as we did and are doing a similar route from the Med to the Caribbean. We’re sure we’ll run into them again in another port.