Stranded in Grenada… it could be much worse…

Hey everyone…. so sorry we have not updated you in a long while… many of you have messaged us wondering what our situation is.. thank you for your thoughts & concerns..

We are currently on the island of Grenada.. we have been here since March 13th when we heard that ports of entry may be closing and since this is where we are leaving our boat for the season we made sure to get into the country. We currently have arrangements to pull the boat out on April 1st and fly home on April 4th.

Over the past few days things have been changing very quickly. As of yesterday Grenada has closed its ports to all new entries and has put strict restrictions on those arriving to not leave their boats for 14 days. To date there are NO confirmed cases of covid-19 in Grenada. Scott and I are both healthy. There is a lot of confusion in the boating community as to whether or not we are allowed to leave our boats. There are MANY Canadians here who are semi-permanent residents on their boats.. it is impossible to know who is a new arrival & who has been here for a while. When we arrived, we were not told to stay on our boat, but to practice social-distancing. It is very eerie here… as it probably is at home as well.. beaches are empty, restaurants closed.. most of us are just hanging out on our boats. Even the authorities are confused as to what the “rules” are.. the Maritime Yachting Association is saying if you arrived before March 20 you must only social distance.. yet the coast guard is giving people shit for walking on abandoned beaches. Social shaming on FB.. people are posting pictures of boats where people are leaving on their dinghies.. yup, getting kind of stupid!

As far as we know our Air Canada flight is still scheduled for April 4th.. as of yesterday we received a schedule change notification, but no info about a cancellation. Rumors are circulating that flights will not be available after March 31st.. on Monday we will contact the boatyard & see if we can get our boat lifted out before April 1st.. if so, we will try to get an earlier flight. But, also we don’t know if we are allowed to leave our boat till after March 27 (14 days aft er check in)… very confusing… but what we are very grateful for is that that there are a lot of fellow Canadians here… Grenada is a very well run country.. and English is the spoken language here.. We have enough food & supplies to last us at least 2 weeks.. the water maker is working (generator pump died today).. right now we just don’t know whether to use up our food as we will be leaving soon… or make it last as long as possible…

Our biggest concern right now is the flights home… we all know that airplanes are germ factories.. and going through Toronto airport. We are not at risk right now, but flying home we sure as hell will be !

Tough times for all of us around the world… Scott and I are thinking of you !


  1. Thank you for your post! It is good to hear from you. I missed your posts…it is nice to live my life vicariously through you both! Lots of love to you both.

  2. Thanks for checking in; I was wondering what was going on with you two! Re: food; I’d try to make it last as long as possible, and if you have any left by the time you are ready to leave, just give it to another boater. Safe travels (whenever that may be!).

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